Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yeee Hawwwwwww

Thanksgiving Eve and it's snowing right now..........but just a week ago it was sunny and breezy, perfect weather to hit the trail and get a little dust on our jeans. So my lil' cowgirl pardner, Miss V and I pulled on our boots and headed down the road to Rich and Sally's place where we found the fine and friendly pony, Socks, saddled up and ready to go.

She jumped into the mini- saddle like a pro, stuck her boots in the stirrups and off we went.

Any seasoned cowpoke will tell you, it's all about you and the horse. When you swing into the saddle there is a communication between rider and horse that requires no words.

Her grin pretty much says it all.

Although astute observations are occasionally shared.
"Grandma. There sure is alot of big poop out here."

Yup, honey. That's why we wore our boots.
But isn't it a fine day to be a cowgirl.

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