Sunday, July 27, 2008

Adventures in Doggie-Sitting

I spent the weekend with a couple of cute little guys and wanted to take some pictures of them. Every time I pulled out my camera, this is what I got:

Back ends and behinds.
I tried sneaking the camera out when they were sleeping. Didn't work.
They sensed what was going on and either turned their backs to me or came running, wanting to lick my face.

That's the best I could get.
They're sweet, snuggly and fell asleep on my lap every time I sat down to watch tv.
Their family comes home tomorrow so we're off to bed, they'll keep my feet warm all night and I'll hand out the last of the treats I brought with me, in the morning.
(I didn't float in on a breeze with my umbrella but I do aspire to be the Mary Poppins of the doggie-sitter set.)

No doubt, I'll spend all next week trying to convince Binks the Very Fat Cat to forgive me.

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