Sunday, July 06, 2008


A quick overview of our cruise, my very first.
Just enough pictures to give you an idea of some cool things about our week.

We saw some really amazing things.
In between all of the quick shore trips and fun on the ship,
it was just nice and peaceful.

This was my first cruise and will probably be my last.
It was fun experiencing travel on-board ship, but I'm a wandering kind
of girl and ports-of-call don't allow enough time for me to poke around a place
as much as I would like. To the breathtakingly beautiful, expansive and pristine wilderness that is our neighbor to the North, the good State of Alaska, I say:

Don't worry. I know what we saw on our quick little cruise
isn't what you are all about. It's like if I were from a foreign country and I flew in to JFK, grabbed an airport hot dog, bought an I heart NY t-shirt and flew back home to tell everyone what the USA is all about. I know. And I'll be back. Next time I will be flying in, renting a car and wandering around for a long time so I can see who you really are.
In the meantime,
thanks for the wonderful welcome.

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