Friday, November 07, 2014

Miles to go Before I Sleep

I've got so much to do today
so much I don't even want to look at it...
it just feels too overwhelming.
Mornings like this I remember back to a Christmas Eve.
Living alone. Working long hours.
I was expected at a holiday party with my family
where I would be giving handmade fleece blankets
to each one of the little kids at the party.
8 AM the morning of the party.
Food not cooked.
No clean clothes.
And three of the blankets remained to be created.
I remember lying in bed, staring out the window at the snow
wondering if nature might whip up a blizzard to save me from
the overwhelming burden of to-do's that day.
No blizzard.
I was up by 8.
Looked in the mirror
pulled up my socks and said to my cat
"We got this."
And we did.
Made all three blankets, cooked the food, washed my clothes
and left the house in plenty of time to enjoy the party.
Wrapped all those blankets up as presents, too.
I was a wild woman with scissors and ribbon flying that day.
Today's road is longer.
The work is harder.
I'm older.
My knees are creakier
and betray me just when I need them most.
But my son said..
Of course I'll help, mom.
And the sun is shining.
I prayed and just asked God to help me figure out how to get it all done.
And I've had my coffee.
No sweat, girl.
"We got this."

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