Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today's the day I took my final stand against winter. I took down the Christmas cards from the back of my front door. It snowed last night, it's melted off the driveway and walks already; it's warm. The first official day of spring is upon us after a long, harsh winter.

I'm not complaining. I love the snow, whether it's raging against my windshield carried by a strong wind or, like in this little video clip I made standing next to the woods a month or so ago, falling soft and silent.

Bring on the tulips.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The weather is raging all over the place in different directions here. It is windy (like hurricane force), still, wet, dry, cold, warm, rainy... and now they are saying more snow this weekend (which wont' last at all along the coast here). It's definitely spring. The daffs are coming up, and the snowdrops came, and the crocuses are appearing. I'm ready for it.

Enjoy your spring!